Museo Galileo
Virtual Museum
Medici Family
Medici Family

The Medici family acquired its fortune through the success of its bold banking entrepreneurship. In the fifteenth century, thanks to Cosimo the Elder (1389-1464) and - above all - Lorenzo the Magnificent (1449-1492), the Medici consolidated their power, taking over the Signoria [municipal government] of Florence. After the republican interval, Tuscany became a Duchy (1531). The first Duke was Alessandro de' Medici (1510-1537). He was succeeded at his death by Cosimo (1519-1574) , who, in 1569, assumed the title of Grand Duke under the name Cosimo I. The family continued to rule Tuscany until the death of Gian Gastone (1671-1737), when, in the absence of direct heirs, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany passed to the Lorraine family.