Museo Galileo
Virtual Museum
Collecting tradition of the House of Lorraine
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At the behest of Grand Duke Peter Leopold, the scientific collections gradually accumulated in the Pitti Palace by the Medici were transferred to the Regio Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale in 1775. Thanks to the dynamism of the Museum's director, Felice Fontana, and the competent work of many craftsmen, the Museo saw a steady increase in the number of scientific instruments, including machines for demonstrating the basic laws of physics, electrical machines, meteorological instruments, and measuring instruments. Even the natural-history collections in the Uffizi Gallery were transferred to the Regio Museo. They formed the first nucleus of holdings that were systematically expanded during the 19th C. Fontana and his colleagues also worked unstintingly to form a collection of waxes on human anatomy. In 1775, year of its foundation, fully six rooms of the Regio Museo were already entirely dedicated to anatomical waxes. The Museum also built three wooden anatomic statues, one of which, on Napoleon Bonaparte's orders, was shipped to Paris in 1806. In the 19th C., the collections of instruments, natural-history specimens, and anatomical waxes were thoroughly catalogued and substantially enlarged through new acquisitions. After Italian unification, the collections were broken up and distributed among the departments of the Istituto di Studi Superiori. In 1925, the scientific and natural-history collections went to the University of Florence. In 1927, the University created the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, which it endowed with the old Medicean and Lorraine holdings of physical and mathematical instruments.

Accessories for an optical bench

Accessories for an optical bench

Inv. 782/bis
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Adjustable slit

Adjustable slit

Inv. 2569
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Adjustable slit

Adjustable slit

Inv. 3199
Gaspero Mazzeranghi, Florence, second half 18th cent.

Air pump, Nollet type

Air pump, Nollet type

Inv. 1534
Maker unknown, ca. 1780

Air pump, 's Gravesande type

Air pump, 's Gravesande type

Inv. 1532
Nicolas Fortin, Paris, 1780

Air pump, twin barrels, table-top model

Air pump, twin barrels, table-top model

Inv. 1536
William Cary, London, early 19th cent.

Air pump, twin barrels, table-top model

Air pump, twin barrels, table-top model

Inv. 3777
Maker unknown, Paris, ca. 1830

Air pump, twin barrels, table-top model

Air pump, twin barrels, table-top model

Inv. 1537
Christophe Bettally, Paris, first half 19th cent.

Alcohol thermometer

Alcohol thermometer

Inv. 2040
M. Gallonde, Paris, late 18th cent.

Alembic dome

Alembic dome

Inv. 3782
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Alembic domes

Alembic domes

Inv. 3779, 3780, 3781
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Altazimuth quadrant

Altazimuth quadrant

Inv. 684
Dubois, Paris, 18th cent.

Amici I telescope

Amici I telescope

Inv. 3795
Giovanni Battista Amici, Italy, first half 19th cent.

Amici II telescope

Amici II telescope

Inv. 345
Giovanni Battista Amici, Italy, first half 19th cent.



Inv. 848
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Apparatus demonstrating pointed and ball lightning conductors

Apparatus demonstrating pointed and ball lightning conductors

Inv. 2693
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Apparatus for angles of incidence and reflection

Apparatus for angles of incidence and reflection

Inv. 2738
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Apparatus for angles of incidence and reflection

Apparatus for angles of incidence and reflection

Inv. 635
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Apparatus for experiments on pendulums

Apparatus for experiments on pendulums

Inv. 982
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Apparatus for showing stable equilibrium

Apparatus for showing stable equilibrium

Inv. 973
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Apparatus for showing the effects of the centrifugal force

Apparatus for showing the effects of the centrifugal force

Inv. 1384
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Apparatus for showing the hydrostatic paradox

Apparatus for showing the hydrostatic paradox

Inv. 1370
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Apparatus for showing the parabolic path of liquids

Apparatus for showing the parabolic path of liquids

Inv. 1024
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Apparatus for showing the proprieties of the wedge

Apparatus for showing the proprieties of the wedge

Inv. 1385
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Apparatus showing the composition of forces

Apparatus showing the composition of forces

Inv. 1404
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Apparatus showing the composition of motion

Apparatus showing the composition of motion

Inv. 963
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Apparatus to demonstrate the isochronism of falls along a spiral

Apparatus to demonstrate the isochronism of falls along a spiral

Inv. 976
Maker unknown, first half 18th cent.

Apparatus to illustrate reflection in elastic shocks

Apparatus to illustrate reflection in elastic shocks

Inv. 1502
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Apparatus to study the composition of elastic shocks

Apparatus to study the composition of elastic shocks

Inv. 971
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Apparatus with simple machines

Apparatus with simple machines

Inv. 496
Nairne & Blunt firm, London, 1774-1793

Astatic galvanometer, Nobili pattern

Astatic galvanometer, Nobili pattern

Inv. 1417
T. Gourjon, Paris, 1840

Aurora flask

Aurora flask

Inv. 423
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Aurora tube

Aurora tube

Inv. 1203
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Azimuth compass

Azimuth compass

Inv. 3373
Maker unknown, English, late 18th cent.

Azimuth compass

Azimuth compass

Inv. 3374
George Wright, London, ca. 1785



Inv. 565
Maker unknown, 19th cent.



Inv. 816
Giovanni Savoi, Florence, 1766



Inv. 567
Maker unknown, 18th cent.



Inv. 1134
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.



Inv. 1153
Maker unknown, first half 19th cent.



Inv. 1053
Maker unknown, 18th cent.



Inv. 3792
Maker unknown, 18th cent.



Inv. 1047, 1048
Maker unknown, 18th cent.



Inv. 1712
Maker unknown, 18th cent.



Inv. 1876
Maker unknown, 18th cent.



Inv. 1834 bis
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Bottle with curved pouring pipe

Bottle with curved pouring pipe

Inv. 3786
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Bottle with serpentine neck

Bottle with serpentine neck

Inv. 1941
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Bottle with side spout

Bottle with side spout

Inv. 1649
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Box with mercury thermometer

Box with mercury thermometer

Inv. 1718
John Troughton, London, 1782-1800

Brachistochronous fall

Brachistochronous fall

Inv. 966
Francesco Spighi, Florence, second half 18th cent.

Burning mirror

Burning mirror

Inv. 3727
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Burning mirror

Burning mirror

Inv. 791
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Carriage odometer

Carriage odometer

Inv. 678
Luigi Roverelli, Antonio Quinquernell, Florence, second half 18th cent.

Castelli hydraulic pump (hydraulic fan)

Castelli hydraulic pump (hydraulic fan)

Inv. 1029
Maker unknown, Florence, 1794

Celestial globe

Celestial globe

Inv. 974
Guillaume Delisle, Paris, 1700

Chemical apparatus

Chemical apparatus

Inv. 1714
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Chemistry cabinet

Chemistry cabinet

Inv. 319, 824, 1605, 1616, 1623, 1632, 1642, 1645, 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1730, 1739, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1813, 1815, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1836, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1846, 1848, 1850, 1858, 1859, 1871, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1883, 1890, 1892, 1893, 1900, 1901, 1904, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1933, 1934, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1999, 2066, 2080, 2081, 1082, 3537, 3559, 3785, 3788, 3791, 3793, 3917, 3918, 3919, 3920, 3921, 3922, 3923, 3924, 3925
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Chest type compound microscope

Chest type compound microscope

Inv. 3230
Peter Dollond, London, late 18th cent.

Chinese balance

Chinese balance

Inv. 817
Maker unknown, 19th cent.

Circle-dividing engine

Circle-dividing engine

Inv. 586, 3244
Maker unknown, Florence, 1762

Cistern barometer

Cistern barometer

Inv. 1147
Edward Nairne, London, ca. 1770



Inv. 1387
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Compound and simple microscope

Compound and simple microscope

Inv. 2664, 3217
Andrew Pritchard, London, ca. 1835

Compound and simple microscope, chest type

Compound and simple microscope, chest type

Inv. 3210
James Ayscough, London, second half 18th cent.

Compound microscope

Compound microscope

Inv. 1223
George Adams senior, London, ca. 1770

Compound microscope

Compound microscope

Inv. 3201
Giovanni Battista Amici, Modena, 1827-1831

Compound microscope

Compound microscope

Inv. 3205
Georg Friedrich Brander, Augsburg, ca. 1765

Compound microscope

Compound microscope

Inv. 3241
Maker unknown, Italian, ca. 1845

Compound microscope

Compound microscope

Inv. 480, 3219, 3221
George Adams junior, London, ca. 1790

Compound microscope

Compound microscope

Inv. 3248
Pietro Patroni [attr.] or François de Baillou [attr.], Italian, early 18th cent.

Compound microscope

Compound microscope

Inv. 3206
Pietro Patroni, Milan, 1726

Compound microscope

Compound microscope

Inv. 3203
Giovanni Battista Amici, Modena, ca. 1827

Compound microscope

Compound microscope

Inv. 2660
Maker unknown, Italian, 1845



Inv. 2703
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Container for Landriani's "Chronohyometer"

Container for Landriani's "Chronohyometer"

Inv. 3926
Maker unknown, Italian, late 18th cent.

Copernican sphere

Copernican sphere

Inv. 3263
Jean Pigeon [attr.], Paris?, ca. 1725

Coulomb magnetic declination compass

Coulomb magnetic declination compass

Inv. 918
Giovanni Fortini, Florence, 1786

Coulomb magnetic declination compass

Coulomb magnetic declination compass

Inv. 924
Maker unknown, ca. 1786

Cylinder electrical machine

Cylinder electrical machine

Inv. 2739
Edward Nairne, London, ca. 1778

Cylinder electrical machine

Cylinder electrical machine

Inv. 392
George Adams junior, London, late 18th cent.

Cylinder on inclined plane

Cylinder on inclined plane

Inv. 1390
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

De Luc barometer

De Luc barometer

Inv. 1150
Maker unknown, ca. 1760

De Luc barometer

De Luc barometer

Inv. 1556
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Demonstration model of Oersted's experiment

Demonstration model of Oersted's experiment

Inv. 1201
Carlo Dell'Acqua, Milan, ca. 1850



Inv. 595
Giovanni Battista Amici, Italy, first half 19th cent.

Double diaphragm

Double diaphragm

Inv. 738
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Double pendulum to illustrate the damping of oscillations

Double pendulum to illustrate the damping of oscillations

Inv. 1386
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Drum electrical machine

Drum electrical machine

Inv. 3408
Maker unknown, ca. 1776

Duc de Chaulnes's depth gauge

Duc de Chaulnes's depth gauge

Inv. 3170
Maker unknown, ca. 1770

Duc de Chaulnes's focometer

Duc de Chaulnes's focometer

Inv. 3169
Maker unknown, ca. 1770

Duc de Chaulnes's microscope

Duc de Chaulnes's microscope

Inv. 3202
Maker unknown, ca. 1770

Elastic and inelastic collisions apparatus

Elastic and inelastic collisions apparatus

Inv. 981
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Electric motor after Botto

Electric motor after Botto

Inv. 1412
Maker unknown, ca. 1840

Electric pistol, Volta type

Electric pistol, Volta type

Inv. 897
Maker unknown, ca. 1780

Electric pistol, Volta type

Electric pistol, Volta type

Inv. 898
Maker unknown, ca. 1780

Endless screw

Endless screw

Inv. 1388
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.



Inv. 1371
Maker unknown, 1776



Inv. 1377
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Faraday's net

Faraday's net

Inv. 387
Maker unknown, first half 19th cent.

First-order lever

First-order lever

Inv. 1002
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

First-order lever

First-order lever

Inv. 1007
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

First-order lever as balance beam

First-order lever as balance beam

Inv. 1383
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

First-order lever with bent beam

First-order lever with bent beam

Inv. 1009/a
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Galvanometer, Magrini pattern

Galvanometer, Magrini pattern

Inv. 872
Maker unknown, ca. 1850

Glass cone

Glass cone

Inv. 2617
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Glass polyhedron

Glass polyhedron

Inv. 2622
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Glass polyhedron

Glass polyhedron

Inv. 3181
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Glass polyhedron

Glass polyhedron

Inv. 2623
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Globe electrical machine, Nollet type

Globe electrical machine, Nollet type

Inv. 1341, 1342, 2737
Museo di fisica workshops, ca. 1775

Gold-leaf electroscope

Gold-leaf electroscope

Inv. 441
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Hair hygrometer

Hair hygrometer

Inv. 2442
Nairne & Blunt firm, London, late 18th cent.

Henley quadrant electrometer

Henley quadrant electrometer

Inv. 1199
Edward Nairne, London, second half 18th cent.

Hero's fountain

Hero's fountain

Inv. 2153
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Kinnersley electrometer

Kinnersley electrometer

Inv. 421
Maker unknown, English?, late 18th cent.

Kit of magneto-electric machine, Clarke pattern

Kit of magneto-electric machine, Clarke pattern

Inv. 515
Maker unknown, ca. 1840

Lane electrometer

Lane electrometer

Inv. 543
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Lane electrometer and Leyden jar on insulated support

Lane electrometer and Leyden jar on insulated support

Inv. 1326
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Lane electrometer on Leyden jar

Lane electrometer on Leyden jar

Inv. 446
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Lens with mount

Lens with mount

Inv. 1339
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Lens with mount

Lens with mount

Inv. 2583
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Lens with mount

Lens with mount

Inv. 784
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Lens with mount

Lens with mount

Inv. 764
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Lens with mount

Lens with mount

Inv. 760
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Lens with mount

Lens with mount

Inv. 749
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Lens with stand

Lens with stand

Inv. 761
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Lens-grinding lathe

Lens-grinding lathe

Inv. 3194
Andrea Frati, Florence, second half 18th cent.



Inv. 733
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.



Inv. 735
Maker unknown, Florence, second half 18th cent.

Level checker

Level checker

Inv. 725
Maker unknown, late 18th cent. - early 19th cent.

Lever suspended at both ends

Lever suspended at both ends

Inv. 1409, 3755
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Line-dividing engine

Line-dividing engine

Inv. 1023, 3244, 3368
Maker unknown, Florence, second half 18th cent.

Lucernal and compound microscope

Lucernal and compound microscope

Inv. 502, 1457, 3222 (scatola), 3243 (microscopio)
George Adams junior, English, ca. 1791

Luminous discharge tube

Luminous discharge tube

Inv. 852
Maker unknown, English?, late 18th cent.

Luminous discharge tubes

Luminous discharge tubes

Inv. 850, 851
Maker unknown, English?, late 18th cent.

Machine for experiments on the centrifugal force

Machine for experiments on the centrifugal force

Inv. 1027
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Magnetic cabinet

Magnetic cabinet

Inv. 3753
George Adams junior, London, ca. 1780

Magnetic ducks

Magnetic ducks

Inv. 1213
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Magrini's electric motor

Magrini's electric motor

Inv. 916
Maker unknown, ca. 1840

Matrass with descending still

Matrass with descending still

Inv. 1650
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Mechanical equinoctial dial

Mechanical equinoctial dial

Inv. 3754
Felice Gori, Florence, ca. 1820

Mechanical paradox

Mechanical paradox

Inv. 3387
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Mercury pump

Mercury pump

Inv. 1530
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Mercury pump

Mercury pump

Inv. 1531
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Mercury thermometer

Mercury thermometer

Inv. 1792
Maker unknown, Italian, second half 18th cent.

Mercury thermometer

Mercury thermometer

Inv. 3464
Felice Fontana, Italian, second half 18th cent.

Mercury thermometer

Mercury thermometer

Inv. 385
Dollond firm, London, late 18th cent.

Mercury thermometer

Mercury thermometer

Inv. 2029
Dollond firm, London, late 18th cent.

Metal maximum and minimum thermometer

Metal maximum and minimum thermometer

Inv. 1895
Maker unknown, Italian?, first half 19th cent.



Inv. 3107
Felice Gori, Florence, 19th cent.

Mixing faucet

Mixing faucet

Inv. 1014
Giuseppe Leonardi, Milan, 1824

Mobile diaphragm

Mobile diaphragm

Inv. 2568
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Mobile mount for eyepiece

Mobile mount for eyepiece

Inv. 3242
Galgano Gori, Florence, 1838

Model illustrating the human arm as third-order lever

Model illustrating the human arm as third-order lever

Inv. 1010
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Model of Archimedean screw or cochlea

Model of Archimedean screw or cochlea

Inv. 998
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Model of Archimedean screw or cochlea

Model of Archimedean screw or cochlea

Inv. 999
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Model of hydraulic pump with alterations by Sisson

Model of hydraulic pump with alterations by Sisson

Inv. 978/a, 3775
Maker unknown, English?, second half 18th cent.

Model winch

Model winch

Inv. 1504
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Model winch

Model winch

Inv. 990
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.



Inv. 2060
Maker unknown, 18th cent.



Inv. 3600
Alessandro Tognozzi (founder), 1764

Mounted glass cone

Mounted glass cone

Inv. 771
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Mounted prism

Mounted prism

Inv. 743
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Mounted prism

Mounted prism

Inv. 744
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Mounted prism

Mounted prism

Inv. 774
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Mounted prismatic lens

Mounted prismatic lens

Inv. 768
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Mounted prismatic lens

Mounted prismatic lens

Inv. 769
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Mounted prismatic lens

Mounted prismatic lens

Inv. 770
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Multi-groove pulley

Multi-groove pulley

Inv. 992
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Multi-lever apparatus

Multi-lever apparatus

Inv. 1005
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Nairne cylinder electrical machine

Nairne cylinder electrical machine

Inv. 2736
Edward Nairne, London, 1773

Newtonian telescope

Newtonian telescope

Inv. 2707
Leto Guidi, Italy, 18th cent.

Newtonian telescope

Newtonian telescope

Inv. 2709
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Newtonian telescope

Newtonian telescope

Inv. 2710
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Nobili-Melloni radiant-heat thermopile

Nobili-Melloni radiant-heat thermopile

Inv. 1237
Maker unknown, ca. 1831

Nobili's battery for his metalochromic apparatus

Nobili's battery for his metalochromic apparatus

Inv. 3761
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's box thermopile

Nobili's box thermopile

Inv. 1230
Tecnomasio Italiano firm [attr.], Milan, ca. 1870

Nobili's box thermopile

Nobili's box thermopile

Inv. 1231
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's constant-current thermopile

Nobili's constant-current thermopile

Inv. 1227
Maker unknown, ca. 1829

Nobili's differential galvanometer

Nobili's differential galvanometer

Inv. 1185
Maker unknown, ca. 1829

Nobili's disk-pattern radiant-heat thermopile

Nobili's disk-pattern radiant-heat thermopile

Inv. 1236
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's double sparking magnet

Nobili's double sparking magnet

Inv. 1273
Corrado Wolf, Florence, 1835

Nobili's electromagnetic kit

Nobili's electromagnetic kit

Inv. 1553
Maker unknown, ca. 1833

Nobili's flat coil

Nobili's flat coil

Inv. 465
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's hydroelectric galvanometer

Nobili's hydroelectric galvanometer

Inv. 366
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's instantaneous-current galvanometer

Nobili's instantaneous-current galvanometer

Inv. 1274
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's large astatic galvanometer

Nobili's large astatic galvanometer

Inv. 1324
Maker unknown, 1826

Nobili's large membrane cell

Nobili's large membrane cell

Inv. 1238
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's membrane cells

Nobili's membrane cells

Inv. 1172, 1239
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's metalochromes

Nobili's metalochromes

Inv. 3881
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's metalochromic apparatus

Nobili's metalochromic apparatus

Inv. 1242
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's metalochromic apparatus

Nobili's metalochromic apparatus

Inv. 1234, 1271
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's model of Ampère's theory of magnetism

Nobili's model of Ampère's theory of magnetism

Inv. 3760
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's models of Ampère's theory of magnetism

Nobili's models of Ampère's theory of magnetism

Inv. 3759
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's models of magnetic field

Nobili's models of magnetic field

Inv. 1179
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's prototype thermopile

Nobili's prototype thermopile

Inv. 1233
Maker unknown, ca. 1829

Nobili's rotating electromagnetic coil

Nobili's rotating electromagnetic coil

Inv. 377
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's sparking magnet

Nobili's sparking magnet

Inv. 1270
Maker unknown, ca. 1832

Nobili's sparking magnet

Nobili's sparking magnet

Inv. 1272
Maker unknown, 1832

Nobili's static-electricity galvanometer

Nobili's static-electricity galvanometer

Inv. 372
Maker unknown, ca. 1830

Nobili's thermopile with micrometers

Nobili's thermopile with micrometers

Inv. 1224
Maker unknown, ca. 1834



Inv. 2641
Dollond firm, London, late 18th cent.



Inv. 580
John Dollond, London, ca. 1750

Optical compendium

Optical compendium

Inv. 2681, 2682, 2683, 2684
Robert Banks, London, ca. 1811



Inv. 581
Maker unknown, Florence, 1775-1776

Pair of framed prisms

Pair of framed prisms

Inv. 741
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Paper-disk hygrometer

Paper-disk hygrometer

Inv. 4
Adams, London, second half 18th cent.

Pince-nez spectacles

Pince-nez spectacles

Inv. 2581
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Plane with variable inclination

Plane with variable inclination

Inv. 1402
Maker unknown, German?, late 18th cent.

Plane with variable inclination

Plane with variable inclination

Inv. 1403
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Plate electrical machine

Plate electrical machine

Inv. 3766
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Plate electrical machine

Plate electrical machine

Inv. 2705
Maker unknown, English?, second half 18th cent.

Portable barometer

Portable barometer

Inv. 1146
Maker unknown, first half 19th cent.

Portable globe electrical machine

Portable globe electrical machine

Inv. 444
Edward Nairne, London, ca. 1770

Portable globe electrical machine

Portable globe electrical machine

Inv. 516
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Portable plate electrical machine

Portable plate electrical machine

Inv. 2686
Maker unknown, ca. 1775

Portable plate electrical machine

Portable plate electrical machine

Inv. 2688
Maker unknown, English?, ca. 1775

Portable plate electrical machine

Portable plate electrical machine

Inv. 2687
Maker unknown, English?, ca. 1775

Portable plate electrical machine

Portable plate electrical machine

Inv. 374
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Portable plate electrical machine

Portable plate electrical machine

Inv. 2689
Maker unknown, English?, ca. 1775

Precision balance

Precision balance

Inv. 997
Maker unknown, 19th cent.

Pressure receiver or de Morveau's disinfection apparatus

Pressure receiver or de Morveau's disinfection apparatus

Inv. 3778
Maker unknown, early 19th cent.

Prism with stand

Prism with stand

Inv. 742
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Prism with stand

Prism with stand

Inv. 748
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Prism with stand

Prism with stand

Inv. 773
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Prism with stand

Prism with stand

Inv. 745
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Prism with stand

Prism with stand

Inv. 746
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Prismatic lens with mount

Prismatic lens with mount

Inv. 2613
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Prismatic lens with mount

Prismatic lens with mount

Inv. 2614
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Pyrometer or dilatometer

Pyrometer or dilatometer

Inv. 573
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Reflecting microscope

Reflecting microscope

Inv. 3171
Giovanni Battista Amici, Modena, 1815-1825

Reflecting microscope

Reflecting microscope

Inv. 3209
Giovanni Battista Amici [attr.], Italian, 1815-1825

Registering barometer

Registering barometer

Inv. 1163
Felice Fontana, Italian, late 18th cent.

Repeating circle

Repeating circle

Inv. 576
Georg Friedrich von Reichenbach, Munich, first half 19th cent.



Inv. 3787
Maker unknown, 18th cent.



Inv. 1752, 1753
Josiah Wedgwood, second half 18th cent.

Rotating diaphragm

Rotating diaphragm

Inv. 2567
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Saussure hair hygrometer

Saussure hair hygrometer

Inv. 2033
Jaques Paul [attr.], Geneva, late 18th cent.



Inv. 1016
Maker unknown, Florence, 18th cent.



Inv. 521
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Second-order lever

Second-order lever

Inv. 1006
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Set of mercury friction tubes

Set of mercury friction tubes

Inv. 3765
Maker unknown, first half 18th cent.

Simple microscope, aquatic

Simple microscope, aquatic

Inv. 3098
Chapotot, Paris, ca. 1700

Simple microscope, aquatic

Simple microscope, aquatic

Inv. 3233
Maker unknown, Italian?, second half 18th cent.

Simple microscope, dissecting

Simple microscope, dissecting

Inv. 3212
Peter Dollond (microscope), John Cuff (micrometer), London, ca. 1760-1770

Simple microscope, pocket

Simple microscope, pocket

Inv. 3239
Maker unknown, French or Dutch?, early 19th cent.

Single gold-leaf electroscope, Bohnenberger type

Single gold-leaf electroscope, Bohnenberger type

Inv. 2691
Carlo Dell'Acqua, ca. 1850

Single-barrel exhausting and compressing pump

Single-barrel exhausting and compressing pump

Inv. 1535
Maker unknown, Florence, 1767

Siphon and cistern barometer

Siphon and cistern barometer

Inv. 1132
Maker unknown, mid-19th cent.

Small cup for inflaming spirits

Small cup for inflaming spirits

Inv. 466
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Small single-barrel air pump

Small single-barrel air pump

Inv. 831
Filippo et Haveri Fratelli De Dranchy, late 18th cent.

Solar microscope

Solar microscope

Inv. 3229
Isidoro Gaspare Bazzanti, Italian, 1760

Solar microscope

Solar microscope

Inv. 795
Peter Dollond, London, ca. 1800

Solar mirror

Solar mirror

Inv. 3228
Maker unknown, Italian?, first half 19th cent.



Inv. 1394
Giovanni Battista Amici, Italy, first half 19th cent.

Spiral conductor

Spiral conductor

Inv. 2692
Gaetano Cari, 1770

Stand with tackle and polyspaston

Stand with tackle and polyspaston

Inv. 539, 1401
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Stand with tackles

Stand with tackles

Inv. 984, 1389, 1398, 1399
Maker unknown, second half 18th cent.

Standard meter

Standard meter

Inv. 1362
Henri-Prudence Gambey, Paris, first half 19th cent.

Standard meter

Standard meter

Inv. 389, 3342
Ferat, Paris, 1798

Stereometric barometer

Stereometric barometer

Inv. 1137
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Straw electrometer, Volta type

Straw electrometer, Volta type

Inv. 1167
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Straw electrometer, Volta type

Straw electrometer, Volta type

Inv. 1197
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Straw electrometer, Volta type

Straw electrometer, Volta type

Inv. 1188
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Surgical instruments for obstetrical and gynecological procedures

Surgical instruments for obstetrical and gynecological procedures

Dep. OSMN, Firenze
Joseph Malliard, Vienna, second half 18th cent.

Surgical instruments for operations on the skull

Surgical instruments for operations on the skull

Dep. OSMN, Firenze
Joseph Malliard, Vienna, second half 18th cent.

Tabula affinitatum

Tabula affinitatum

Inv. 1899
Franz Huber Hoefer [attr.], ca. 1766

Terrestrial globe

Terrestrial globe

Inv. 3369
Félix Delamarche & Charles Dien, Paris, 1821

Third-order lever

Third-order lever

Inv. 1008
Maker unknown, second half 19th cent.

Thunder house

Thunder house

Inv. 1164
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Thunder house

Thunder house

Inv. 1252
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Thunder house

Thunder house

Inv. 1211
Maker unknown, late 18th cent. or later

Thunder house

Thunder house

Inv. 1253
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Thunder house

Thunder house

Inv. 1545
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Thunder obelisk

Thunder obelisk

Inv. 1174
Maker unknown, late 18th cent.

Tube Leyden-jar

Tube Leyden-jar

Inv. 2742
Maker unknown, second half 19th cent.

Tubes terminating in bubbles

Tubes terminating in bubbles

Inv. 1938, 1940
Maker unknown, 18th cent.

Twin-barrel air pump

Twin-barrel air pump

Inv. 1533
Maker unknown, 1743

Volta hydrogen lamp

Volta hydrogen lamp

Inv. 1243
Maker unknown, ca. 1790

Volta hydrogen lamp with electrophorus

Volta hydrogen lamp with electrophorus

Inv. 1251
Maker unknown, early 19th cent.

Voltaic detonating-gas eudiometer

Voltaic detonating-gas eudiometer

Inv. 1627
Maker unknown, ca. 1790

Voltaic pistol

Voltaic pistol

Inv. 1244
Nairne & Blunt firm, London, 1778-1793

Wedgwood pyrometer

Wedgwood pyrometer

Inv. 546
Josiah Wedgwood, England, late 18th cent.

Wheatstone's A.B.C. telegraph transmitter

Wheatstone's A.B.C. telegraph transmitter

Inv. 545
Charles Wheatstone, ca. 1840

Wheel barometer

Wheel barometer

Inv. 1139
Maker unknown, Italian, late 18th cent.

Wheel barometer

Wheel barometer

Inv. 1140
Santino Donegani, Italian, late 18th cent.

Winter plate electrical machine

Winter plate electrical machine

Inv. 1526
Museo di fisica workshops, second half 19th cent.